Powered by Pucky & PopMart, One Little Planet is an AR & NFT Platform for Asia’s #1 Art Toy.

One Little Planet
Hong Kong
2020 - 2021


One Little Planet is best known for Pucky and Poe, which are some of the top selling art toys in all of Asia. Fuelled by retail giant like PopMart, Pucky and the gang are known for selling tens of thousands of units in minutes when dropping a new collection. This is a dream for any company but comes with logistical nightmares as well. To combat these issues an scale beyond the capabilities of physical production the team at One Little Planet had a vision for a digital marketplace for their toys.


With the recent popularity of NFTs, the OLP team finally had an avenue to provide digital versions of their much loved collectibles, while keeping their scarcity and verifiability. But collectibles aren’t just about scarcity, it’s also about a brand experience, excitement, and the prestige of showing off your rare pieces to fellow enthusiasts. Creating the same sensations physical collectibles provide in a digital medium was a challenge well suited for the Polyform Discovery process. Through research, user testing, and innovation workshops we developed an all new digital experience for the beloved IP powered by AR.

pucky is taking over

One Little Planet debuted their new digital marketplace at the Seoul Toy Fair to an incredible response. The team sold our of collectible NFT cards in minutes and several subsequent drops since have involved a digital component leveraging the thinking & technology developed with Polyform & our partners Shape Immersive.

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